5 Powerful Ways I Battle My Self-Doubt

5 Powerful Ways I Battle My Self-Doubt

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Suzy Kassem

Self Doubt can be a powerful opposing force that can hold any of us back. It keeps us back from taking advantage of opportunities and moving forward in our lives. It is wise to be self-reflective and do our best to assess ourselves, but when the self-doubt becomes so overwhelming that it’s immobilizing, we must take practical steps to get out of that funk. Yesterday I had a tough day of self-doubt. I couldn’t seem to move forward throughout the entire day because I was so overwhelmed with my self-doubt and insecurities. 

Before I went to sleep, I came up with some tips that have helped me decrease that harsh negative inner voice. I know that I’m not alone in my experience with battling self-doubt. In this blog, I’d love to share some tips that helped me get through my moment of self-doubt with the hopes that they can help you too. 

1. Taking Deep Coherent Breaths 

Taking a deep breath is one of my go-to remedies for any mental struggle I may be having. If I’m angry, I take a breath. If I’m anxious, I take a breath. Five seconds inhaling through my nose, and five seconds exhaling through my mouth works wonders. Deep breathing slows my heart rate and enables me to think more clearly. Whenever you are in a crisis, I invite you to take just a few quick minutes to do some coherent breathing.

You don’t have to sit like a Buddhist monk or be by yourself. Taking a deep, coherent breath can take place anywhere. By taking the time to concentrate on your breath, you will begin to think more clearly and feel better. I believe that deep breaths are one of our most innate superpowers as humans that have helped me in times of crisis. 

2. Telling Myself Positive Thoughts  

Self-doubt is a voice. It’s those negative thoughts of why we aren’t qualified enough, talented enough, or good enough to do whatever the task is at hand. I believe that negative thoughts have to be combated with positive thoughts to get control of our minds. For me, I struggle with a lot of self-doubt with my writing. 

A negative thought for me will be:

‘Who do you think you are to write anything? No one cares what you have to say.” 

I combat that thinking by saying to myself,

“Well…Writing makes me feel good. Whether anyone likes my writing or not, I like it; therefore, I will keep writing.” 

Negative thoughts can grow like weeds unless we do the necessary inner work to tear them out by the root and replace them with something better. 

Next time you find yourself struggling with self-doubt, write down some positive thoughts about yourself that are affirming, uplifting, and make you feel good. This is where affirmations can be helpful. By telling yourself that you are capable, talented, or good enough for whatever challenge lies ahead, you will feel more empowered. 

3. Reflecting On My Wins 

No matter who you are, how big or small, we all experience wins in our lives. A win could be as big as starting a business or graduating from college. It can be as little as making your bed or getting dressed for the day. I have remedied my self-doubt by reflecting on the things that have worked in my life. By reflecting on my wins, I get a spark of inspiration that allows me to move away from my self-doubt. 

Ask yourself, “When was a time I was proud of myself?” 

I encourage you to think about moments where you did something that brought you some joy, or you accomplished something good. 

Did you wake up and care for your child? 

Did you call someone you love? 

Have you made someone smile? 

What is a small win you can celebrate? 

Thinking about successes, can provide hope and cause that negative inner voice to quiet down. 

4. Reflecting On My Goals 

Goals are an excellent motivator for getting out of a dark mental space. When I reflect on my goals and envision myself accomplishing them, I get inspired. By taking time to meditate on how I will feel when my goal is accomplished, doing so kicks me into high gear because I get excited about my dream coming to life. 

You can do this too, by simply writing out what your life will look like when your goal is accomplished. Sit with that vision for yourself. Vividly try to imagine what it will be like when you get that promotion, lose those pounds, pay off that debt. Having a vision for yourself can give you something to believe in and move you in a better direction.

5. Taking Action 

After implementing tips 1-4, I take action. Van Gogh once said: “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” Doing the inner work and deep breathing is one thing, but there is no way that I will get closer to my goals if I don’t get up and get working on them. Putting in work is one of the surest ways to build confidence and eradicate self-doubt. Social media can be debunked, and talk is cheap, but no one can deny hard work being done over time. 

Taking action is also a way to quiet the mind.

A wise man once said, “An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop.”

When I allow myself to get bored and have too much time on my hands, I tend to struggle more with doubt. By putting in work, whether through reading, writing, or brainstorming, taking those actions greatly diminishes my self-doubt because I’m too busy focusing on other things. 

When you find yourself needing to take action, ask yourself, “What is one small thing I can do right now that will bring me closer to my goal?” Change occurs by taking small steps over time. When I first started going to the gym, I would do 10 minutes of cardio, 20, and then 30, eventually I got to an hour. I had to start somewhere to get the ball moving, and you can too. By taking action, you will find yourself too busy to be overwhelmed with self-doubt because you are putting in the work. 


Self-doubt can be a crippling force that immobilizes us from doing impactful work that should be done. I have been there, and I get it. I urge you to implement these habits whenever you are feeling unsure or doubtful about yourself. The world needs your gifts. Your community needs what you have to offer. If a goal or task is on your heart, you owe it to yourself to bring it to life. Next time you feel unsure, take some deep breaths, combat your negative thoughts with positive ones, and work. Don’t let any self-doubt or negative thinking hold you back from being the very best that you can be. 

Be Inspired.