Stop Saying “I’m Tired” When People Ask How You’re Doing

Stop Saying “I’m Tired” When People Ask How You’re Doing

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” -John Keating

Words have power. Anytime anything was ever made, it was because words preceded it first. For example, whenever we look at buildings before those buildings were created, someone looked at that land and said, “let’s build a building here.” Every building, car, or invention began with a person speaking that idea aloud. The idea comes, words are spoken, and reality is created. The spoken words are the connector between the simple idea and the projected reality, words are powerful. 

Most religions speak to the power of the words that we speak. Christian principles teach the idea that our tongues have power. In the Bible, Proverbs 18:20-21 states that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” In the beginning, God created the universe with words. Genesis 1:3 states, “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” The words that God spoke created a powerful result. 

I firmly believe that we are created in God’s image and that the words we speak have power too. This type of thinking has caused me to be extremely cautious of what I say as well as others when they are talking about themselves. 


I work at a talent agency, and this past week I was instructed to work on reception. As the receptionist of the week, I was very aware of how vital my role in the office was. I took pride in the fact that every single person, whether checking into work or coming in for a meeting, had to interact with my smiling face first. 

Alongside my good friend Tia, who was on reception with me, we were intentional about blasting each person who walked into our office with a friendly “good morning” and a warm smile. We also would ask how people were feeling. As employees and guests were signing in, we would say,

“Good morning, it’s good to see you, how’s it going?”

As the morning went by, some were friendly, others who were not. There were even some who would ignore us altogether. What I began to notice was that the individuals who responded with how tired and ready for the weekend they were seemed to be less happy than those that spoke goodness in the morning.

I hated when I would ask how someone was doing with my genuine interest and smile, and they would say, “I’m tired.” or “I’m just trying to get through the day.” 

Although those sentiments may be honest, we have to be intentional about the words we speak over ourselves and our lives. Each time we complain about how we are feeling, we are calling that energy into our lives. Don’t take it lightly when someone asks you how you are doing, use that moment to call in something positive. Throughout the day, we are continuously given miraculous opportunities to call in abundance, prosperity, and joy throughout our days. 

There are moments I’ve come to work irritated because I didn’t get a warm shower, may have had an unpleasant interaction on the Metro that morning, or didn’t get enough sleep the night before. When my mornings are rough, I make it a point to call in a different experience when asked how I’m doing. 

Instead of 

“Chris, how are you doing?” 

“Ugh, I’m so tired, I had to ride the bus today, and I overslept.” 


“Chris, how are you doing? 

“I’m feeling fantastic, today will be a good day.” 

No matter what the circumstance is, I try my best to be intentional about the words I speak when asked how I’m doing. After saying it so many times throughout my day, I start to believe it. Every day I do this, I always end up having a good day. I mostly think that this is because of the words I speak. 


For the next seven days, I invite you to proclaim positive words each morning the next time someone asks how you’re doing. I can say with confidence that by exercising this practice, you will have better days. Life is hard, and we can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. Respond each moment with joy and positivity; doing so will make your days much more enjoyable. 

Be Inspired.