5 Things to Do When You Get Laid Off

5 Things to Do When You Get Laid Off

We’re all expendable. We think the world’s going to stop when a pope dies, or a king. And then… life goes on.” – Sylvester Stallone

Every day I hear the news that another major company is experiencing massive layoffs. I was on TikTok this week to learn one of my favorite “Get ready with me as a Black 24-year-old at Google” had just been let go from her job. Losing your job can be one of the most stressful experiences that you can go through in life.

I can say from experience that unexpectedly being let go from a job sucks. It’s happened to me twice, and the two times it occurred, I desperately looked for content online on how to manage. I’ve spent way more time than I would like to share thinking about those who recently got calls and emails about termination. I think about how they must feel or how they will move on. Although it can be a difficult time, there are steps you can take to rebound from this experience and get back on track. Here are five ways to help you get over being laid off from work.

1. Make a Plan

The first step you need to take is to make a plan for the next few months. Lay out the pieces of your situation in detail and analyze where you are financially, what options you have for new employment, and what potential resources you have available. This plan can give you a greater sense of control and help you to find a way forward.

2. Look After Your Mental Health

Take the time to look after your mental health. Being laid off can be emotionally stressful, and it can be easy to drift into a negative mental state. Make sure to take a break and give yourself time to reset. Do things that bring you joy and relaxation, such as dancing or learning a new skill. You may feel hopeless or not want to leave the bed in the morning but make a conscious effort to get some sunlight and socialize with others.

3. Build Your Network

Even if you’re not ready to start searching for new jobs, take the initiative to build your professional and social networks. This can give you greater access to new opportunities and prepare you for your job search soon. Ask yourself who from your past job did you enjoy meeting. How can you continue those relationships outside of work? Reaching out to your contacts can also give you an instant support system as you navigate your current situation.

4. Take Something Away

When you’ve been laid off, it can be easy to feel helpless and have no control over your future. To combat this feeling, take something away from the experience. Identify the skills, experiences, and contacts you have gained from your job and focus on building upon them. I know that leaving a company can be painful but try to “leave the pain and carry the experience.”

5. Don’t Stop Looking

Lastly, don’t stop looking for new opportunities. Start researching potential jobs and take the initiative to reach out to employers as soon as possible. Even if you don’t get an immediate response or job offer, keeping your options open gives you a better chance of finding a new job and getting back on track.

Being laid off can be difficult, but by following these tips, you can start to put the pieces of your life back together. Take the time to be intentional about the steps you take next. If there is one thing that I know for sure, it is that life goes on. No matter what jobs we leave, what employees we no longer talk with, or what happens–life goes on. It is my hope that this article bring light to anyone dealing with the darkness of unexpectedly losing a job. It happens, but you can and will survive.

Be Inspired.